From the Editor's Desk The Acting Editor speaks.
 Amiga News      You've heard this before.
 Reader Mail      Readers bombard Tiberio!
 CES Report       Compton's impressions.
 Creative Computers   Some dissatisfied customers...
 Retina ZIII Review   Part two on this 24-bitter...
 AR Contest       Enter and win!!
 AR Contest Winner!   Tiberio plays Santa.
 ARexxGuide 2.0a     A review.
 Blitz Basic II      Another review.
 Microvitec 1438     Yet another review: a monitor.
 Amiga Media Watch 1   Retaliation to mis(dis?)information.
 The Emulation Rambler  A mini-Rambler, but important news
 Obituary         Hopefully not a regular column.

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